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March 30, 2025 at 10:00 AM
Pastor Jeff Vandermeer
"A Catalyst for Life!"

Order of Worship | Live Stream

Previous services:​​​

03 23 25 - Jack Tacoma - "Hope Brings Mixed Reactions"

03 16 25 - Pastor Jeff - "Wounded Healer or Unhealed Wounder?"

03 09 25 - Beth Anne Fisher - "Refuge in the Desert"

03 02 25 - Pastor Jeff - "What is Your Calling?"

02 23 25 - Pastor Jeff - "Love God with Your Heart and Soul"

02 16 25 - Cancelled due to snow

02 09 25 - Peter Schuurman - "Love God with Your Mind"

02 02 25 - Pastor Jeff - "My Prayer for New Life"

01 26 25 - Pastor Jeff - "UP, IN, OUT in everyday life!"

01 19 25 - Pastor Jeff - "UP, IN, OUT: How did the disciples do it?"

01 12 25 - Pastor Jeff - "UP, IN, OUT: How do we do it?"

01 05 25 - Pastor Jeff - "UP, IN, OUT: How did Jesus do it?"

12 29 24 - Peter Schuurman - "Hope is the Lifeline"

12 25 24 - Christmas Day Service

12 22 24 (PM) - Candlelight Service

12 22 24 - Pastor Jeff - "What Does Love Require of Me?"

12 15 24 - Jack Tacoma - "Tamar"

12 08 24 - Pastor Jeff - "Hope for the Hopeless"

​12 01 24 - Pastor Jeff - "How Will I 'Rahab' This Year?"

11 24 24 - Pastor Jeff - "Who Is Your Healer? Who Needs Healing?"

11 17 24 - Peter Schuurman - "Wish You Were Here"

11 10 24 - Pastor Jeff/Ben Wallace - Service for Peace

11 03 24 - Pastor Jeff - "Life's three main tests"

10 27 24 - Pastor Jeff - "You are deeply loved, so love deeply"

10 20 24 - Pastor Jeff - "Heavenly, Holy, and/or Healer?"

10 13 24 - Jack Tacoma (Psalm 137:1-4) - "Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land"

​10 06 24 - Ben Wallace/Beth Anne Fisher - Folk Service

09 29 24 - Toyosi Awesu (John 13:34-35)

09 22 24 - Rick DeGraaf (Matt 18/Luke 7) - "Ready to Forgive?"

09 15 24 - Willemina Zwart (Psalm 37:34-40) - "The Way of Wisdom"

09 08 24 - Peter Schuurman (Matthew 5:1-12) - "Blessed Are the Undone"

08 11 24 - Sara DeMoor (Galatians 5)

07 28 24 - Dorothea Vuyk (Psalm 23) - "The Sweet Spot"

07 21 24 - John Vanderstoep (1 Corinthians 12:12-31) 

07 14 24 - Peter Schuurman (Acts 2:42-47) - "What is Church?"

07 07 24 - Rebecca Bokma (Job 38:4-30; 40:8-14) - "Resting in the Myster"

06 23 24 - Rebecca Bokma (1 Samuel 17)

06 16 24 - Robert Hoekstra (Ephesians 2:1-10) - "Made Alive in Christ"

06 09 24 - Ken Dryfhout (Acts 8:26-40)

06 02 24 - Melissa Burmaster (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10) 

05 26 24 - Thanh Campbell (Luke 15:11-32) - "Lost at Home"

05 19 24 - Sid Couperus - "I Am the Centre of God's Mission"

05 12 24 - Rebecca Bokma (1 Samuel 3) - "Hearing God's Call in the Face of Fear"

05 05 24 - Jack Tacoma (John 13:1-17) - Clothing Closet 25th Anniversary

04 28 24- Peter Schuurman (Esther 4:6-17) - "If I Perish, I Perish"

04 21 24 - Victor Laarman (1 Peter 1:3-9) - "Our Living Hope"

04 14 24 - Kelly Sibthorpe (John 21:1-22) - "Breakfast on the Beach"

04 07 24 - Pastor Jeff Vandermeer - "How Can We Love Better?"

03 31 24 - Easter Sunday Service

03 29 24 - Good Friday Service

03 17 24 - Norm Sennema (Gen 1:31-2:3; Matt 6:25-34) - "The Goodness of God"

03 10 24 - Rebecca Bokma (Numbers 21:4-9) - "The Heart of God: Gentle"

03 03 24 - John Vanderstoep (John 14) - "God is Always Present and Always at Work"

02 25 24 - Pastor Tom Bomhof (Ephesians 2:1-10) - "God Doesn't Hide His Art"

02 18 24 - Pastor Andrew Vis (Genesis 13) - "God's Faithfulness, Our Faithfulness"

02 11 24 - Peter Schuurman (Revelation 21:1-4)

02 04 24 - Pastor Toyosi Awesu (1 Peter 5:6-11)

01 28 24 - Pastor Rick DeGraaf (Jeremiah 29:1, 4-14)

01 21 24 - Pastor Victor Laarman (Psalm 90)

01 14 24 - Melissa Burmaster (Matthew 2:1-11)

01 07 24 - Rebecca Bokma (Mark 1:1-13) - "Everyday Advent"

12 25 23 - Rebecca Bokma - Christmas Day Service

12 24 23 - Peter Schuurman (Luke 1:54-55)

12 17 23 (eve) - Candlelight Service

12 17 23 - Rebecca Bokma (Luke 1:51-53) - "Fulfilling Prophecies"

12 10 23 - Jack Tacoma (Luke 1:48b-50) - "Mercy"

12 03 23 - Rebecca Bokma (Luke 1:46-48a) - "Choosing Mary"

11 26 23 - Peter Schuurman (Ephesians 1:15-23) 

11 19 23 - Vicki Cok (Genesis 32:22-31) - "Letting Go"

11 12 23 - Ben Wallace/Wilma Hiemstra - Service for Peace

11 05 23 - Rebecca Bokma (Philippians 4:1-9)

10 29 23 - Dorothea Vuyk (Luke 17:11-19) - "The Posture of Thanksgiving"

10 22 23 - Jack Tacoma (Jeremiah 17:5-10)

10 15 23 - Pastor Darrell Bierman - "Living as Psalm 1 People in a Psalm 46 World"

10 08 23 - Pastor Willemina Zwart - "Generosity: A Matter of the Heart" (Luke 7) 

10 01 23 - Pastor Toyosi Awesu (Psalm 42)

09 24 23 - Peter Schuurman (Psalm 139)

09 17 23 - Cameron Oogema (John 14:16-31)

09 10 23 - Rebecca Bokma - "Love Each Other" (John 15:1-17)

08 27 23 - Rebecca Bokma - "Deliverance from Chaos" (Genesis 8)

08 20 23 - John Vanderstoep - "Jesus is the Bread Who Goes Ahead" (Luke 10:1-16)

08 13 23 - Jack Tacoma - "Wise as Serpents, Innocent as Doves" (Matthew 10:1-16)

07 30 23 - Frank Folkema - "Living Our Lives As Tent Dwellers" (2 Corinthians 5:1-10)

07 23 23 - Rebecca Bokma - "Once Upon a Time" (Genesis 1 & 2:1-3)

07 16 23 - Pastor Rick DeGraaf (Exodus 6:6-7; Mark 14:32-38)

06 25 23 - Pastor Ed's Final Service (Philippians 3:1-14)

06 18 23 - Rebecca Bokma (John 1:1-18)

06 11 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 15:1-16)

06 04 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 14:1-16)

05 28 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 13:31-14:6)

05 21 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 13:31-38)

05 14 23 - Rebecca Bokma (2 John & 3 John)

05 07 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 13:1-17)

04 30 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Act. Love. Walk." (Micah 6:1-8)

04 23 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 13)

04 15 23 - Rebecca Bokma (Psalm 100)

04 09 23 - Easter Sunday Service

04 07 23 - Good Friday Service

04 02 23 - Peter Schuurman - "A Table in the Wilderness for a Hungry Crowd" (Matthew 14:13-21)

03 26 23 - Rebecca Bokma - "The Burnt Out Church" (1 Kings 19:1-18)

03 19 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Hagar in the Wilderness" (Genesis 21:8-21)

03 12 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "God's University" (1 Samuel 25)

03 05 23 - Jack Tacoma - "Manna in the Wilderness" (Exodus 16:1-15; 31-35)

02 26 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "A Table in the Wilderness" (Matthew 4:1-11)

02 19 23 - Family Day Service (no live stream)

02 12 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Lions' Den" (Daniel 6)

02 05 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Bow or Be Burned" (Daniel 3)

01 29 23 - Jack Tacoma - "Good and Evil" (John 3:1-16)

01 22 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Food Fights" (Daniel 1)

01 15 23 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Rules for Life" (Jeremiah 29:4-12)

01 08 23 - Rebecca Bokma - "Life's Interruptions" (Mark 5:21-43)

01 01 23 - Pastor Ed Jager (James 4:13-17)

12 25 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Gift of Christ" (Luke 2:1-20)

12 18 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "The Gifts of Advent: Love" (Luke 1:46-56)

12 11 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Gifts of Advent: Joy" (Luke 1:39-45)

12 04 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Gifts of Advent: Peace" (Luke 1:26-38)

11 27 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "The Gifts of Advent: Hope" (Luke 1:5-25)

11 20 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (1 Corinthians 11:17-33)

11 13 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (James 2:15-17)

11 06 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "Do Not Go Alone" (Luke 10:1-11)

10 30 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - Reformation Day (Romans 8)

10 23 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "My Only Comfort" (Romans 14:7-9)

10 16 22 - Kevin Mak/Pastor Ed Jager - Jazz Service (Genesis 32:22-32)

10 09 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "What We Need" (John 6:1-15)

10 02 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Gracious Gifts" (Romans 12:3-8)

09 25 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Many But One" (Romans 12:4-5)

09 18 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Transformed Living" (Romans 12:2)

09 11 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "True Worship" (Romans 12:1-2)

09 05 22- Praise in the Park (no live stream)

08 28 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (Philippians 4:10-13)

08 21 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (Philippians 4:1-9)

08 14 22 - Praise in the Park (no live stream)

08 07 22 - Peter Schuurman (2 Corinthians 5:15-21)

07 31 22 - Rebecca Bokma (2 Kings 22:14-20)

07 24 22 - Rebecca Bokma (1 Samuel 25:2-42)

07 17 22 - Rebecca Bokma (Judges 4:4-10; 5:3-9)

07 10 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (Philippians 3:1-14)

07 03 22 - Praise in the Park (no live stream)

06 26 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (Philippians 1:1-11)

06 19 22 - Peter Schuurman (Acts 1:1-11)

06 12 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 11:11; 38-44)

06 05 22 - Pentecost (Acts 2)

05 29 22 - Celebrating Thursdays at New Life (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18)

05 22 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 11:17-37)

05 15 22 - Jack Tacoma - "Zechariah's Benediction" (Luke 1:11)

05 08 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 11:1-37)

05 01 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "Actions Speak Louder Than Words" (Isaiah 58)

04 24 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (John 11:1-16)




04 17 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - Easter Sunday (John 20:24-31)

04 10 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "It is finished" (John 19:29-30)

04 03 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "I thirst..." (John 19:28-29)

03 27 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "My God, my God..." (Mark 15:33-39)

03 20 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "Woman behold..." (John 19:25-27)

03 13 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Today you will be with me..." (Luke 23:39-43)

03 06 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Father forgive them..." (Luke 23:32-34)

02 27 22 - Pastor Ed Jager (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)
02 20 22 - Rebecca Bokma (Ephesians 4:1-16)

02 13 22Kevin Coghill/Ben Wallace - Blues Service

02 06 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Friendship with Christ" (John 15:9-16)

01 30 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "Ruth and Naomi" (Ruth 1:8-18)

01 23 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Don't Step on the Rope" (1 Samuel 20)

01 16 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "What Do You Want Me to Do for You?" (Mark 10:35-52)

01 09 22 - Rebecca Bokma - "What Are You Looking For?" (John 1:35-42)

01 02 22 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Why Are You Looking for Me?" (Luke 2:41-52)


12 26 21 - Pastor Ed Jager (Matthew 2:1-12)

12 25 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Hope's Cradle" (Matthew 1:18-25)

12 19 21 (eve) - Ben Wallace/Rebecca Bokma - Candlelight Service

12 19 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "God Moved into the Hood" (John 1:1-18)

12 12 21 - Rebecca Bokma - "Joy in the Resurrection" (1 Corinthians 15:50-58)

12 05 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Mystery of the Incarnation" (Philippians 2:5-11)

11 28 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "A Great Light" (Isaiah 9:2-7)


11 21 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Healing Tree" (Revelation 21 & 22:1-6)

11 14 21 - Ben Wallace/Pastor Ed Jager - Oratorio Service

11 07 21 - Rebecca Bokma - "The Fruitful Tree" (Galatians 5:16-26)

10 31 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Abiding Tree" (John 15)

10 24 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Saving Tree" (Luke 23:26-49)

10 17 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Blessed Tree" (Psalm 1:1-6/Jeremiah 17:5-8)

10 10 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Calling Tree" (Exodus 3) 

10 03 21 - Rebecca Bokma - "Stories of Faith" (Hebrews 11:1-16) 

09 26 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Dying Tree" (Genesis 3)

09 19 21 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Living Tree" (Genesis 2:4-25)

09 12 21 Pastor Ed Jager - "Rooted and Established" (Ephesians 3:16-21)


09 05 21 - Praise in the Park (no live stream)

08 29 21 - Gary VanArragon - "A Disruptive God" (Acts 9:1-19)

08 22 21 - Peter Schuurman - "A Time to Deconstruct Faith" (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15)

08 12 21 - Sara de Moor - "Bringing Our Whole Selves to God" (Lamentations 5)

08 08 21 - Praise in the Park (no live stream)

08 01 21 - Praise in the Park (cancelled due to rain)

07 25 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Freedom for All and Glory to God" (Exodus 14:1-4)

07 18 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Life's Dead Ends" (Exodus 14:1-4)

07 11 21Gary VanArragon - "Human Dignity" (Gen. 1: 26–31; Gal. 3: 23–29)

07 04 21 - Praise in the Park (no live stream)

06 27 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Life is Like a Mountain" (Philippians 3:1-14)

06 20 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Be Strong and Courageous" (Joshua 1:1-9)

06 13 21Jack Tacoma - "The Angry Prophet and Compassionate God" (Jonah 4)

06 06 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Sabbath...Does it Give Life?" (Isaiah 58 and Mark 2:23-3:7)

05 30 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Lord Have Mercy" (Lamentations 3:21-27)

05 23 21Pastor Ed Jager - "Praying for the Spirit" (Luke 11:1-13)

05 16 21Peter Schuurman - "Jesus Laughed" (Luke 10:17-24)

05 09 21Pastor Ed Jager - "A Mother's Lament" (Psalm 13)

05 02 21 - Pastor Ed Jager -"Longhaul Living" (Luke 18:1-14)






04 25 2021 - Pastor Ed Jager - "Do You Love Me?" (John 21:15-25)

04 18 2021 - Rebecca Bokma - "Whosoever Believes" (John 20:24-31)

04 11 2021 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Foot Race" (John 20:1-10)

04 04 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "The First Easter Morning" (John 20:1-2, 11-18)

04 02 2021Good Friday Service (John 18:1-19:42

03 21 2021 Pastor Ed Jager - "The Foot Washing" (John 13:1-17)

03 21 2021 Jack Tacoma - "The Anointing" (John 12:1-11)

03 14 2021 Pastor Ed Jager - "Martha, Do You Believe Me?" (John 11)

03 07 2021 Peter Schuurman - "Grow in Grace" (2 Peter 3:17-18)

02 28 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "Light Show" (John 9)

02 21 2021 Pastor Ed Jager - "Wonderbread?" (John 6)

02 17 2021Carmen Osahor - Ash Wednesday Meditation - Guided Lectio Divina

02 14 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "Half Healed" (John 5:1-15)

02 07 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "Walk in Faith" (John 4:43-54)

01 31 2021 Pastor Ed Jager - "Flipping Tables" (John 2:13-25)

01 24 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "When the Wine Runs Out" (John 2:1-11)

01 17 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "Behold the Lamb" (John 1:19-42)

01 10 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "God Moves Into the Neighbourhood" (Joh 1:1-18)
01 03 2021Pastor Ed Jager - "The Gift of Love" John 3:16-21





12 27 2020 Pastor Dave Tigchelaar - "Being Wheat" (Matthew 13:24-32; 36-43)

12 25 2020 Pastor Ed Jager - "Merry Christmas" (Luke 2:1-7)

12 20 2020 Pastor Ed Jager - "Fear of Trouble" (Luke 2:8-20)

12 13 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Fear of Disapproval" (Matthew 1:18-25)

12 06 2020 - Peter Schuurman - "Fear of Inadequacy" (Luke 1:26-38)

11 29 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Fear of Disappointment" (Luke 1:5-25)

Advent 2020.png




11 22 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "The Covid Survival Kit" (Hebrews 10:19-25)

11 15 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "View from the Garden" (Galatians 6:9-10)

11 08 2020 Jack Tacoma - "Getting Along when Getting Along is Hard" (Gal. 6:1-5)

11 01 2020Gary VanArragon - "Gentleness" (Gal 5:22-26, Tit. 3:1-11)

10 25 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Basket of Fruit" (Galatians 5:22-23)

10 18 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Walking by the Spirit" (Galatians 5:16-18)

10 11 2020Peter Schuurman - "Thankfulness" (Luke 17:11-19)

10 04 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Mutual Submission" (Epheisans 5:21)

09 27 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Thankfulness" (Ephesians 5:20)

09 20 2020Pastor Ed Jager - "Dangerous Singing" (Ephesians 5:19)

09 13 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager - "The Re-Set Button" (Ephesians 5:18)


September 6, 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager -"If My People..." (2 Chronicles 7:11-22)
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
August 30, 2020 - Peter Schuurman - "What is My Tenure For Life?" (Psalm 121)
     SermonFull YouTube service
August 23, 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager -  "Living with COVID" (Jeremiah 29:4-14)
     SermonFull YouTube service
August 16, 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager - Romans 8:28-39
     Sermon Full YouTube service
August 9, 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager - Matthew 6:25-34
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
August 2, 2020 - Pastor Ed Jager - Acts 13:32-52
     SermonFull YouTube service 
July 26 2020 - Gary VanArragon - Acts 13:1-12
     SermonFull YouTube service
July 19, 2020 - Jack Tacoma - Acts 12:1-25
     SermonFull YouTube service
July 12 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 10:9-48
     Sermon Full YouTube service 
July 5 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 9:1-19
     Sermon Full YouTube service
June 28, 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 8:26-40
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
June 21, 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 8:4-25
     SermonFull YouTube service
June 14, 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 6:8-8:3
     SermonFull YouTube service
June 7, 2020 - Pastor Ed - Acts 6:1-7
     SermonFull YouTube service
May 31, 2020 - Pentecost Sunday - Pastor Betsy - 1 Peter 1:3-9
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
May 24, 2020 - Pastor Ed - "Singing Jailbirds" (Acts 5:17-42)
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
May 17, 2020 - Pastor Ed - "Lying to the Spirit: Ananias and Sapphira" (Acts 5:1-11)
     SermonFull YouTube service
May 10, 2020 - Pastor Ed - " Life in the Spirit: Generosity" (Acts 4:32-37)
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
May 3, 2020 - Pastor Ed- "No Other Name" (Acts 4:5-12)
     Sermon - Full YouTube service
April 26, 2020 - GEMS - Pastor Ed - "Lessons from a Lame Beggar" (Acts 3:1-10) 
      SermonFull Worship Playlist
April 19, 2020 - Pastor Ed - "Lessons from Prison" (Phil. 4:10-20)
     SermonWorship Playlist
April 12, 2020 - Easter Sunday - SermonYouTube playlist 
April 10, 2020 - Good Friday - Tenebrae Service
April 5, 2020 - Palm Sunday - Pastor Ed - John 13:31-14:10 Sermon
March 29, 2020 - Pastor Ed - Psalm 46 - Sermon
March 22, 2020 - Pastor Ed - 1 John 4:7-21 - Sermon

(519) 823-5851

400 Victoria Rd N, Guelph, ON N1E 5J7, Canada

Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday, Friday 9 AM-2 PM

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