At New Life, being a community that cares for both its members and visitors is an important part of who we are. Whether it is through pastoral care, small groups, prayer, counseling options, or fellowship, we are committed to caring for our community.
Below you will find some of the many services and ministries at work in our church, as well as the policies that guide our efforts to provide a community of care at New Life.
Pastoral care is essential to nurturing and supporting our community. At New Life, pastoral care is offered to both members and visitors. Our church elders use their gifts to care for and serve our community in the following areas: the Spiritual Care of Children, the Safe Church Ministry, Welcoming Newcomers, the Elderly and Shut in, and the Small Group Ministry. Various groups within New Life also offer a helping hand, such as Food for Friends and the Fellowship Committee. The congregation of New Life is encouraged to access pastoral care through their designated pastoral care groups, as well as in their Small Groups. To find out more about pastoral care at New Life, please contact the church office.
This ministry allows participants to connect in a social, faith-based, small group setting. The aim for each group is to come to know each other well, and to support one another through teaching, learning and pastoral care. Small groups meet regularly at member’s homes, with groups often consisting of 10 to 12 people. To best meet the needs of its members, small groups vary in their activities, which may include prayer, Bible study, or reflections on books, movies and articles. To find out more about small groups or to express an interest in joining one, please contact the church office.
New Life strives to be a flourishing congregation by creating an environment where everyone can use and develop their God-given gifts in the service of congregation, community and the gospel. A flourishing congregation intentionally builds trust through encouragement, accountability and respect. We are called to honour God through our unity – not a unity of sameness but of purpose and vision. Information on Restorative Practices at New Life can be found here.
The Congregational Assistance Plan provides support and care for those attending New Life who would like to receive help in resolving any personal concerns. Through CAP, you can receive free counseling from a qualified, Christian counselor in the Guelph area. Offered through Shalem Mental Health Network, CAP is an anonymous, confidential, and professional service. To find out how CAP can help, please contact Shalem directly at 1-866-347-0041, or email:
At New Life, we welcome everyone to worship with us at Sunday worship services. However, if you are interested in becoming a member of the church, New Life offers a New Members Class where we provide information on our ministries and vision, the history and background of the church, and the opportunities for involvement at New Life. If you would like to know more about membership at New Life, please contact the church office. We look forward to hearing from you!
Safe Church Policy
New Life Church is committed to protecting our children, vulnerable adults, volunteers and staff from the harm of abuse. In order to achieve this goal, we have adopted a Safe Church Policy. This policy can be accessed here​, or visit our church office for available copies. Each of our staff members and volunteers are required to read the policy, sign a “Ministry Agreement”, and have a police check for positions involving children. By this process, we enable our staff and volunteers to participate in our ministries using their God-given gifts, while the safety of the community is ensured.
Accessibility Policy (AODA)
New Life’s Accessibility Policy ensures that we meet the needs of people with disabilities through our many ministries and services. As part of our church’s vision to “Know, See and Be Jesus”, we have the opportunity to be a blessing, and be blessed by those of us with disabilities. Follow this link for more information on New Life’s Accessibility Policy.