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street view of New Life Church
Worship team
Communion, Lord's Supper
Children's Worship
Dance Ministry
Communion, Lord's Supper
Intergenerational Worship
Worship Flags



At New Life, we believe that joining together as a community in worship is essential to growing a strong relationship with God.  So whether this is your first time visiting a church, or you have visited many, we warmly invite you to join us for worship this Sunday. 



You will find New Life Church at 400 Victoria Road North, Guelph. The church has ample parking, with accessible parking available. When you come through the front doors into the Fellowship Hall, you will find greeters there to welcome you and answer any questions you might have. Our services begin at 10:00 a.m. and we welcome you to come a few minutes early to get settled, learn out about our childcare options or, if you require hearing assistance, to speak with one of our sound technicians about our loop hearing system. While many at New Life dress casually for the service, you are encouraged to wear attire that is most comfortable for you, whether casual or formal. We invite you to come as you are! 


New Life enjoys inter-generational worship and recognizes the importance of providing every opportunity for children to worship. There is a "kid's corner" in the Fellowship Hall with activity pages, flags, and instruments available to use during worship. During the service, there are children's programs for kids ages 3 up to grade 8. These programs provide children with a safe and caring environment that encourage worshipful experiences and learning. For more information on our kids programs please click here.


At New Life, we believe we are called to worship God in every aspect of life. As a church family, corporate worship is at the heart of our life together. Our services begin at 10:00 am every Sunday morning and are about 75 minutes in length. Our services include singing and music, prayer, scripture, a message, and the sharing of our gifts. Our worship style is a blend of contemporary and traditional music and often includes an art installation at the back of the sanctuary. Our speakers prayerfully lead us in meditations on God's Word by teaching, encouraging and challenging us in our relationship with God, the people around us and the world at large. The sanctuary is equipped with a hearing assist system to enable fuller participation for those who need it. For more information on our worship services and details on our opportunities in worship please click here.



After the service you are welcomed to join us in a time of fellowship with coffee and tea.


Interested in becoming a member?  If you are interested in becoming a member of New Life Church, we invite you to contact the church office.



The Offering is one way that we as a church community worship God, by giving of our gifts to support the work of New Life and to support those in need outside of our church walls. If you are a visitor, please don’t feel any obligation to contribute. Our offerings are collected in one plate. You may designate your donations using envelopes. Other donations are split equally among the causes, our church budget, the work of the Deacons and a special cause which changes from week to week.


We look forward to getting to know you! If you have any questions or would like more information please contact us.


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